Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chicken Salad with Feta Cheese and Melon

Don't you just hate when it's so hot and the air is humid that you can hardly think about food, not to mention spending hours in the kitchen cooking or baking?
But on the other hand don't you love summer because it makes it possible to prepare 15-minute dishes like this, colourful, nutricious and delicious?
Well, I do, both hate it and love it.
And I even turn my oven on every day just to spite the heat.

Chicken Salad with Feta Cheese and Melon

Chicken Salad with Feta Cheese and Melon

* 400 g chicken breasts (skinless, boneless)
* 1 small cantaloupe melon
* 150 g feta cheese
* 100 g salad greens (arugula or mixed)
* extra virgin olive oil
* 1 TBspoon balsamic vinegar
* 1 clove of garlic
* salt, pepper
* a couple TBspoons of flour

Cut the chicken breasts into 1,5 cm cubes.
Flour them and shake off the excess flour.
Put 2 TBspoons of olive oil in a skillet, add the garlic and start warming it up. Add the meat and stirfry for 5 minutes.
Add salt and pepper to your taste, remove the garlic clove and set the meat aside to cool.
Cut the melon in half, remove the seeds. Slice it and remove the skin. Cut the pulp into cubes.
Wash and dry the salad greens (I had only arugula, but you can put anything you like, from latuce to baby spinach). Place the greens in a salad bowl, add the chicken, the melon and the feta cheese both diced.
Prepare the dressing mixing together 3 TBspoons extra virgin olive oil, 1 TBspoon balsamic vinegar, a little salt and pepper. Use this dressing to season the salad, toss everything together and serve.

Chicken Salad with Feta Cheese and Melon

Insalata di pollo con feta e melone

* 400 g petto di pollo
* 1 melone piccolo
* 150 g feta 
* 100 g insalatine miste 
* olio extra vergine d'oliva
* 1 cucchiaio di aceto balsamico
* 1 spicchio d'aglio
* sale, pepe
* un po' di farina

Tagliate il petto di pollo in cubetti da 1,5 cm. Infarinateli e scuoteteli.
Riscaldate 2 cucchiai d'olio con l'aglio in una padella e fate rosolare i cubetti di pollo per circa 5 minuti mescolando spesso.
Salate e pepate, togliete l'aglio e lasciate raffreddare.
Tagliate il melone a metà e togliete i semi. Tagliatelo poi a fette e sbucciatele.
Tagliate la polpa in cubetti.
Lavate e asciugate le insalatine (io avevo solo la rucola) e mettetele in una ciotola per l'insalata.
Unite il pollo, il melone e la feta tagliata a cubetti.
Preparate il condimento mescolando 3 cucchiai di olio EVO, 1 cucchiaio di aceto balsamico, un po' di sale e pepe. Condite l'insalata, mescolate e servite.

Chicken Salad with Feta Cheese and Melon

Salata od piletine s fetom  i dinjom

* 400 g pilećih prsa
* 1 manja dinja
* 150 g feta sira
* 100 g svježe salate (rikula, ili miješana)
* maslinovo ulje
* 1 žlica balsamičnog octa
* 1 češanj bijelog luka
* sol, papar
* malo brašna

Meso odvojite od kosti i hrskavice.
Narežite ga na kockice stranice 1 do 1,5 cm.
Pobrašnite kockice mesa i otresite višak.
U tavi zagrijte 2 žlice ulja s očišćenim češnjem bijelog luka. Popržite kockice mesa 5 minuta otprilike na srednje jakoj vatri, miješajući često.
Posolite i popaprite, izvadite češnjak i ostavite meso da se ohladi.
Dinju prepolovite i izvadite sjemenke.
Izrežite je na kriške i odrežite koru. Narežite meso dinje na kockice.
Operite i posušite salatu (ja sam stavila samo rikulu).
Stavite salatu u zdjelu, dodajte feta sir narezan na kockice, piletinu i dinju. Izmiješajte.
Rasporedite salatu u tanjure.
Pomiješajte 3 žlice maslinovog ulja, 1 žlicu balsamičnog octa, malo soli i papra, malo razmutite vilicom da se sve sjedini.
Prelijte ovim umakom salatu, izmiješajte i poslužite.



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